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Ministry Goes To Honduras


In January, Elizabeth Anderson and her family went to Child Sponsorship International. This is a home for orphan children on Roatan Island, Honduras. Elizabeth is in the 3rd grade.

Last Fall, she attended classes that Sheldon taught on how to make balloon animals AND use them to share the truth of God’s Word. Elizabeth was a fast learner and loved doing the balloons. When the opportunity came for her to use her new skills, she was eager to take the challenge.

Her Grandpa graciously provided several bags of balloons (100 per bag) and a hand pump to be used on this mission’s project. What a practical investment in the Kingdom.

Elizabeth took advantage of every opportunity to make balloon animals and share the Gospel. She made balloons at the airport, on the ship and even made animals for the Honduras taxi cab driver to take to his children.

While at the orphanage, Elizabeth made balloon animals for all of the kids there and shared Christ. What a missionary! God is able to take whatever talent or skill we may have and use it for His glory if we are only willing to be used. Something as simple as a balloon animal in the hands of someone willing to use it can be an awesome tool in the spread of the Gospel.

Thanks Elizabeth for being such a great example to the rest of us.