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Home Grown Authors

The first time you meet a little girl you don’t have any idea what she may become as she grows up. Oh, you may have a pretty good idea that whoever she does become will be someone special but you just don’t know in what ways. Little did we realize when we first meet 5 year old Amy Parlette that she would one day be one of our daughter-in-laws and a published author.

Kedron and Amelia have been married for something like 15 years now and have two kids of their own. The story of how these two meet, dated and were married really is a very interesting one that I think you would enjoy reading. In fact, there is so much in the story that part of it is featured in the Chicken Soup for the Soul book; Here Comes the Bride.


More recently Amelia has finished her book Isn’t It Time For A Coffee Break? You can place an advanced order for a copy of it now. We are sure proud of Amelia and what she has accomplished already and look forward to what else God has in store for her.


You can keep up with Amelia by following her blog at http://www.ameliarhodes.com/

You don’t have to travel far to find God’s people but because we do travel far, we get to meet a lot of the Family. Recently we traveled all the way from Michigan to Guernsey, Wyoming where I did a program for Church in the Park. God blessed us with perfect weather and a good crowd of people. Faith Fellowship of Guernsey sponsored the event and it was a great time.

While we were there we meet Brent and Joylene Anderson and their kids. As I talked with Brent just prior to the program I found out that he is the author of a new book, Wee Three Kings. The more he told me about it the more excited I got. This is a wonderful idea and I can’t wait to read it for myself. (I ordered my copy the day I got word that it is available 9-18).

The book is now available at https://www.createspace.com/3765824

I would encourage you to follow the progress as I am on a Facebook page for Wee Three Kings. Also keep checking on the Wee Three Kings web site.

Let’s get behind these authors and show our support for providing the rest of us with good materials for ourselves and our families. While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out the ever growing of ebooks that we have available right here on our site. If you are looking to learn gospel magic, clowning, juggling or any of the other performing arts, we have a huge selection to choose from.

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