Theology to a 3 year old
Just before Vicky and I made our way West to Gering, Nebraska to visit our daughter and her family as well as doing programs here, I did a program at Whitneyville Bible Church, not far from where we live. Our son Kedron, who has been living with us while their house is being built, took his family to see the program. The story that resulted is one that you are going to want to read.
Can you teach theology to a three year old? You sure can. There is a perfect example of this on my daughter-in-laws blog. But before you read the story, take a good look at these pictures and the story will make more sense.
Grandson, Titus, age 3 watching Papa present the gospel.
and wrapped him up in grave cloth
placed Him in a tomb and covered the door with a rock.
On the third day the rock was rolled away
and when they looked inside, what did they find? They found the grave cloth all neatly folded
Now read the story.
April 13th, 2010 at 7:35 am
I don’t know, I think maybe you should try the trick next time with a rock and a used wet-wipe. Titus can show you how that works. haha!
April 13th, 2010 at 9:16 am
I will have to have him teach me that method.
July 10th, 2010 at 7:57 pm
The link for this story is:
then scroll down for oops, Jesus is still there.
July 10th, 2010 at 8:40 pm
Scott, you are so right. Thank you for sharing this link. There are a lot of great stories there.