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Top 10 Sayings Of Biblical Mothers

10. Samson! Get your hand out of that lion. You don’t know where it’s been! (Judges 14:5-8)

9. David! I told you not to play in the house with that sling! Go practice your harp. We pay good money for those lessons! (1 Samuel 16:23)

8. Abraham! Stop wandering around the countryside and get home for supper!

7. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego! I told you never to play with fire! (Daniel 3:6-26)

6. Cain! Get off your brother! You’re going to kill him some day!

5. Noah! No, you can’t keep them! I told you, don’t bring home any more strays!

4. Gideon! Have you been hiding in that wine press again? Look at your clothes! (Judges 6:11)

3. James and John! No more burping contests at the dinner table, please. People are going to call you the sons of thunder! (Mark 3:17)

2. Judas! Have you been in my purse again?!

And the number one biblical saying of mothers is:

1. Jesus! Stop working on that old wood and come in and eat! You’d spend your life on that wood, if your father asked ya to!

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