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Busy Day

This was another busy day. I was on the road at 7:30 this morning on my way to Grand Rapids, MI to pick up a U-Hull trailer. Tomorrow we head out to move Karon to NB. She will be getting married next month and this is the best time to get her things out there.

Ken and his family came down to help load things up. When they got here Ken pointed out that a tree had fallen on our property and was sticking out in the road. The two of us went out to take care of it before someone hit it. While we were out there we came across a fairly small tree that had fallen but was stuck in the top of a large tree. Ken pulled and pulled but it wasn�t about to come down. Then the two of us started to pull. All of a sudden we hear this loud cracking sound and lots of noise. The BIG tree was coming down. For a split second neither of us knew if we needed to run or just what. The tree went down well to the side no where close to where we were standing. The funny thing was, the small tree that we had been pulling on was now stuck in the top of another tree. It still wasn�t on the ground. We did manage to get it down eventually. There is a picture of Ken standing on the big tree on Flickr.

We got everything packed up and ready to go pretty much before Ken had to leave. I had just a few minutes before I had to leave as well. Tonight I was at South Side Bible Church. This was mission�s night for their AWANA kids. Jeff & Linda Whitaker�with SEND were the speakers. You can see Jeff with one of the kids on Flickr. (See, I�m starting to remember to use this camera phone.)

When I got back tonight I had 50 more CD�s to put labels on and print out some more of the jackets for the mailers. I think that about wraps things up on my end for the mailing. Some of the CD�s are on their way and the rest will go out in the next couple of days. Mom is going to finish getting them put together and in the mail.

I will keep you posted as we are on the road for the next few days. Thanks for your prayers as we travel.

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